Many of us are becoming more and more aware of toxins in our food and water, in fact, some of us have a hard time eating or drinking ANYTHING for fear it will contaminate us....
There is a HUGE surge all across our country of folks taking all manner of liquid something or other, glorified water, pills and supplements to help counteract all the free radicals and toxins we are exposed to everyday.
This is all super and a splendid idea ... even though I wouldn't personally touch a few of the things I have seen out there with a ten foot pole, but then if you BELIEVE in ANYTHING it can help you, or so they say. :)
Did you know that our SKIN absorbs more toxins and chemicals than we can EVER get from our food or water.... especially if we are a female and use lotions, make-up and skin care of any sort... and if we are a male we are just as plagued with it if we use cologne, body wash, deodorant and all that stuff that we have always been told and taught makes us respectable people and pleasant to be around.
Not so with the skin.
And yet offer a free ride straight into our bloodstream on a daily basis with all kinds of garage floor cleaners, anti-freeze and other ingredients that when they are handled in the testing labs, they must wear gloves for protection!
I know.... gross, right?
Everything that touches our skin is absorbed directly into the blood stream with nothing to filter it or stop it. Why else would there be skin patches for everything from pain to drugs and smoking aids?At least when we EAT unhealthy things, our bodies are designed to filter out the bad stuff and try to get rid of it before it gets close to our vital organs.
Not so with the skin.
And yet offer a free ride straight into our bloodstream on a daily basis with all kinds of garage floor cleaners, anti-freeze and other ingredients that when they are handled in the testing labs, they must wear gloves for protection!
I know.... gross, right?
A recent study
has found that topical applications of moisturizers such as Dermabase,
Dermovan, Eucerin Original Moisturizing Cream, or Vanicream could
increase skin cancer risk.
These Popular Moisturizers Applied to Mice for 17 Weeks
Got 69% More Tumors!!
I will not recopy the article word for word here as I can't legally do that ( it is a big word that starts with a p... phlagarism... did I spell it right? :) , but anyways , if you use lotions of any kind or skin care, then you have GOT to read this article - Here is the link straight to the article....
I think you will be amazed.
Or shocked.
But be not dismayed. There IS a better way.
Just go read the article and I will post again real soon on what can be done about this phenomenon we are finding ourselves in... I'll try to hurry so you all don't get stinky. Seriously - who wants to use ANY of that stuff ever again?
Here is the link again.
Disclaimer: Consult your health care professional about any serious disease or injury. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substance as a substitute for professional medical assistance. The information here is provided for better understanding of holistic health.
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