

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

What ARE Muscadine Grapes ?

What are Muscadine Grapes ?

The muscadine is a simple fruit grown in North Carolina....locals call it the 'scuppernong'. The muscadine is different from other grapes in that it has a thick skin and is seedy, which is a great thing as the health benefits are in the seeds and skin of what many people are referring to as the 'miracle grape'. 
what are muscadine grapes

Within recent years scientific studies have discovered that the unique combination of over 100 powerful phenolic compounds found naturally in Muscadine grapes, such as RESVERATROL, ELLAGIC ACID, QUERCETIN AND OPCs (oligomeric proanthocyanidins), contain powerful antioxidants that will give our bodies what it needs to fight diseases caused by free radical damage.
"Just think, if you could take just ONE supplement that gives you over 100 antioxidants to protect your body. That supplement is muscadine grape seeds" 

If You Have Pain of Any Sort - the Muscadine Grape seed is one of the best anti-inflammatory supplements on the market. - L.Walker

Not only are there scientific studies to PROVE that the muscadine grape will inhibit the growth of cancer by up to 92% ( in vitro cancer studies showed significant inhibition of growth in human brain, breast, colon, lung, prostate, skin and leukemia cells - some as much as 92%!!   Studies were conducted at a top medical research university.   Read this article on the research done at Wake Forest University on the Muscadine Grape seed and it's effects on cancer cells. Amazing, amazing study)  but it also has these properties:

  • 100% Natural
  • Boosts Cardiovascular Strength
  • Over 100 Anti-Oxidants
  • Anti-Inflamatory
  • Anti-Viral
  • Anti-Fungal
  • Promotes Joint Health
  • Revitalizes Energy Levels
  • Helps the body stabilize blood sugar levels

Click Here for Premium Muscadine Grape Seed Products!

Disclaimer: Consult your health care professional about any serious disease or injury. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substance as a substitute for professional medical assistance. The information here is provided for better understanding of holistic health. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Issues?

Are There Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Issues ?

natural remedies for autoimmune

Disclaimer: Consult your health care professional about any serious disease or injury. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substance as a substitute for professional medical assistance. The information here is provided for better understanding of holistic health.

 There are several reasons we believe the muscadine grapes are helping with auto-immune issues, ( here is a post of fibromyalgia)  and while we don't claim to understand all the why's and hows of it all, there are a few simple testimonies that one simply can't deny....

Please note: Be careful when purchasing over the counter supplements of ANY kind, and especially a natural antioxidant or plant. Many times they have sat on the shelf at the wrong temperatures for many months, or have fillers in them, which will greatly reduce the level of potency. 

Recent Testimony:

I am writing this testimony in the hopes of helping others with auto immune and other disorders....I started taking the muscadine grape seed extract about 5 weeks ago. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and take infusions on a regular basis. This time when I went to my rheumatologist my C Reative Protein (an inflammation marker) was undetectable. This means that the inflammation in my body has gotten so low the test isn't noticing it!  The other marker, the SED rate, had decreased by 10 points and is just 1 point above what is considered normal. During the time I have been taking the muscadine supplement, my offices had to move to a temporary space while our permanent space is being remodeled. I had 40+ file cabinets to pack and unpack. I had library books to pack and so much more. I was sure I would be stiff and achy...but I wasn't. ... Some days I was so tired that I took a muscadine energy shot, and it worked amazingly. I am sure I would have been in pain and had a hard time doing all the work I did were it not for the supplement.... Finally, due to the RA I have rashes on my body and scalp. I started using the muscadine shampoo on my scalp and body. Within 3 days my scalp had totally cleared up and the rashes on my body were gone. Neither has returned. I had 3 different prescription shampoos and 3 strengths of steroids to use on the rashes. I have had to use none of them in 5 weeks...

There are both supplements and protein shakes now that have the muscadines in them and something interesting is happening with the use of the MUSCADINE protein shakes, especially for anyone with muscle/joint aches and pain issues.

Some of the most common responses by folks using the Muscadine Protein Shake as a health benefit are:
  • More energy
  • Less joint and muscle pains
  • Sleeping better
  • More Stamina  

Here are some reasons WHY this may be happening....as many opinions on how to best treat autoimmune issues is to get away from gluten, preservatives, sugars and processed foods.

  1. The protein blend is an all vegetable blend – No Soy or Whey
  2. NO artificial sweeteners, dyes, or flavors
  3. Contains 18 amino acids
  4. Gluten FREE!
  5. NO GMOS
  6. Contains just enough of the Muscadine Grape Seed which is the one of the FEW powerfoods that can cross over the blood-brain barrier to feed the brain and fight inflammation and yet not overload the body with antioxidants
  7. Combination of phytonutrients in the muscadine grapes aids in joint and muscle health and helps support the digestive and immune system.

Order Your Protein Powder Today! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Grapes for Fibromyalgia - Is There any Help for Fibro ?

 Muscadine Grapes for Fibromyalgia  

Disclaimer: Consult your health care professional about any serious disease or injury. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substance as a substitute for professional medical assistance. The information here is provided for better understanding of holistic health.

grapes for fibromyalgia

 "I had battled Crohn's disease for 8 years as well as Fibromyalgia and high blood pressure....when I was introduced to the MGS supplement...", says M.B. 

She went on to say..."I had been to half a dozen specialists, taken more medications than I can count and participated in numerous drug studies looking for something to put me into remission or at the least stabilize my symptoms. I had undergone a small bowel resection as well as other surgeries for my Crohn's  and nothing helped. My fibromyalgia on top of it was so painful I could hardly walk at times. I felt as if I'd gone from 31 years old to 80.  I couldn't participate in family activities, functions  and could barely get through a simple work day.

Two days after I started the muscadine grape seed  (which I had started reluctantly since I'd already tried every natural and prescription remedy  with no luck) I woke up and felt incredibly good. At first I assumed it was some kind of fluke  and I actually had a good day after over a year of suffering with these painful symptoms. After a week of waking up completely rested, absolutely no  pain from the Fibromyalgia and no  more stomach pain from my Crohn's, I was convinced it had to be from these supplements.

 I  have never experienced anything like this from anything I've tried...no more swelling in my  feet, legs and hands. My moods in general were noticeably improved. What amazed me the  most was the fact that I was actually able to stop several of my medications, my anti-anxiety,  anti-depressant, diuretic, prescription sleep aid...I've been so alert, and well rested every morning and tired and ready for bed by 10pm (with no sleep aids, or caffeine!!). I am actually saving over $70 a month on prescriptions alone that I no longer need!"

And here is another story.... "I have been in so much pain and flu-like symptoms with Fibro, for over 20 years and tried so many things, so many pain meds and nothing helped. All they do is become addicting. Long story short after taking a mega dose of the muscadine grape seeds for about 8 weeks I am so thankful and so blessed that someone shared the muscadines with me. I now have almost no pain and can do anything I feel like! My husband is taking them as well and he is now off his blood pressure meds and even tho we are 'up there in age' we are feeling younger every day"

It is stories like these that prompted some of my research on fibro - plus the fact that I have ALSO gotten relief from muscles aches and pains, by adding the muscadines to my diet.

Fibromyalgia is becoming more and more common in the last twenty years, and that is very likely due to the same reason other diseases are on the rise, including things and names we have never HEARD of before and can't even pronounce half the time! That reason is believed to be the fact that we are exposed to more chemicals and toxins (or more commonly known as free radicals) than ever before in history.

In fact, there is no place to go anymore that you can get completely AWAY from all the harmful stuff that affects us.... which is why EVERYONE needs to be taking SOME form of anti-oxidants on a daily basis.... (anti-oxidants neutralize free radicals) Reference: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/food-nutrition/facts/antioxidant2.htm

Having had symptoms of what I now think may have been the beginning stages of fibro myself a few years ago, it has caused me to start some research on it... and here is the first article on some of my findings thus far.


Fibromyalgia Has Actually Been Labeled as a Syndrome

Fibromyalgia has been classified as a SYNDROME, which means it is a mixture of signs and symptoms that suggest a particular abnormality, but without a known cause. Once researchers have found a cause, it is then identified as a DISEASE.

It doesn't mean that an illness is less severe or less REAL. It simply means it is less understood, and at the time of this writing, there is no known drug that will help fibro for any length of time..and so many drugs that ARE administered for fibromyalgia patients have other side effects and so the vicious cycle continues as we seek for relief.

Fibromyalgia is VERY real to anyone that is dealing with it!

But Why Do Mostly Women Get Fibromyalgia?

To me, it is a very interesting fact is that fibro mostly affects women.... and that women are more susceptible to overactive immune issues as well, which was interesting to note. According to research articles 90% of folks suffering from fibro are female.

So that led me to study hormones in men and women to see if that would leave any clues...and I did find a few things.

"Hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone, profoundly affect the central nervous system, which is responsible for perceiving and transmitting the sensation of pain," says pain-management specialist Mark Peckman, DO. 

Many cases of fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome are believed to be caused by viral infections which somehow leaves the immune system in an overactive state, similar to what everyone experiences when their body is fighting a virus. The difference with both of these diseases, however, is that the body never stops fighting, which would explain the constant flu like symptoms of feeling achy, fatigued and like a truck just ran over you.

"Once the immune system becomes highly activated, it can produce inflammatory chemicals that fuel many types of muscle and joint pain," Peckman says. Then, the inflammation can affect nerves where they're most vulnerable. Ref: http://chronicfatigue.about.com/od/latestresearch/a/women_pain.htm

Research suggests that testosterone, the male hormone, plays a role in preventing muscle fatigue. Women have less testosterone, which could explain why they tend to have more muscle fatigue....

So Why Does Change of Diet Work For Some People? 

For some ladies that suffer from fibromyalgia, changing their diet has helped. Eliminating sugars and starches from their diet, or gluten free diets have seemed to help lessen the discomforts and increase the energy levels.

I find that interesting as research has shown that eliminating most of those foods from our diet will help to reset the metabolism, and create a healthier foundation for our bodies, plus the fact that sugars and starches like wheat and corn can actually CAUSE inflammation.

This disease ( fibro) is often chronic and becomes very frustrating to affected individuals. Taking measures to supply the body with proper nutrition and enhancing the body's communication through both hormonal and neurotransmitter balance will result in optimal outcomes in the management of fibromyalgia.” -says Dr. Jennifer Landa Chief Medical Officer of BodyLogicMD ref:  http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/06/11/what-need-to-know-about-fibromyalgia/

 Note: According to Dr. Charles Saunders... there is no fruit, berry or superfood on the market today that compares with the muscadine grape SEEDS when we need something for Detoxification, Inflammation and OXIDATION in our bodies, and that by taking it as a supplement it will improve the health of every cell in our bodies.

Here is what Majid Ali, MD says 
FIBRO CANNOT BE REVERSED WITH DRUGS ... If you are suffering from fibromyalgia , please know that it cannot be reversed with any drugs. You will learn that sooner or later. No drug at present is known to cure fibromyalgia. It seems highly unlikely that such a drug will be synthesized in the foreseeable future. “

He states that:
  1. Fibromyalgia is Real.
  2. Fibromyalgia is Reversible ( which I find intriguing as most Drs will tell you the opposite!)
  3. Fibromyalgia is caused by lack of oxygen on a cellular level
  4. Fibromyalgia cannot be Reversed with drugs.

Dr Ali also says that oxygen depravation causes muscle pain, joint stiffness, fatigue, exhaustion, lack of sex drive in men and menstrual cramping in women.... and then if the deprivation is in our immune cells, it will cause immune weaknesses which will manifest in sore throat, swollen neck glands and painful tissues. When there is oxygen depravation in the blood vessels etc, there will be dizziness, heart palpitations and skipped beats... which are a lot of the symptoms that fibro sufferers gave.

Which reminds me of what one MD said that now recommends the muscadine grape seed capsules to all his fibro patients. He said in all his years of trying to help hundreds of fibro patients, he has discovered that no matter what drug he prescribes for them, it will eventually not help with the symptoms anymore, and the ones that are taking the MGS have had more relief than any of the drugs he ever prescribed to any of them and now I am beginning to wonder if it's because of the oxygenation properties in the muscadines – but that is another study and article! :)

Which tends to strengthen the belief that if you can take an anti-oxidant on a daily basis, it will neutralize SO MANY free radicals that are otherwise causing havoc on our bodies. Read more about free radicals and the superman powers of anti-oxidants here

The muscadine grape seeds are just ONE form of anti-oxidants and because it is one of the few sources of anti-oxidants that can break into the blood brain barrier, it will supply oxygen to both the brain AND to every cell in the body, making this a very desirable form of affordable oanti-oxidants for daily use.    In fact, Independent laboratory tests show These Premium Muscadine Seed supplement has the highest antioxidant rating of any fruit tested.

I have found relief with using the MGS - I have been taking it for over 6 years now and as long as I take about 3 a day I don't feel any of the pain and I have energy. It's worth it to me as the grapes have so many other benefits as well! I think BarleyGreen and those kinds of supplements probably help too, but I just can't quite deal with the after taste of that stuff! :)