

Monday, July 28, 2014

Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Issues?

Are There Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Issues ?

natural remedies for autoimmune

Disclaimer: Consult your health care professional about any serious disease or injury. Do not attempt to self-diagnose or prescribe any natural substance as a substitute for professional medical assistance. The information here is provided for better understanding of holistic health.

 There are several reasons we believe the muscadine grapes are helping with auto-immune issues, ( here is a post of fibromyalgia)  and while we don't claim to understand all the why's and hows of it all, there are a few simple testimonies that one simply can't deny....

Please note: Be careful when purchasing over the counter supplements of ANY kind, and especially a natural antioxidant or plant. Many times they have sat on the shelf at the wrong temperatures for many months, or have fillers in them, which will greatly reduce the level of potency. 

Recent Testimony:

I am writing this testimony in the hopes of helping others with auto immune and other disorders....I started taking the muscadine grape seed extract about 5 weeks ago. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and take infusions on a regular basis. This time when I went to my rheumatologist my C Reative Protein (an inflammation marker) was undetectable. This means that the inflammation in my body has gotten so low the test isn't noticing it!  The other marker, the SED rate, had decreased by 10 points and is just 1 point above what is considered normal. During the time I have been taking the muscadine supplement, my offices had to move to a temporary space while our permanent space is being remodeled. I had 40+ file cabinets to pack and unpack. I had library books to pack and so much more. I was sure I would be stiff and achy...but I wasn't. ... Some days I was so tired that I took a muscadine energy shot, and it worked amazingly. I am sure I would have been in pain and had a hard time doing all the work I did were it not for the supplement.... Finally, due to the RA I have rashes on my body and scalp. I started using the muscadine shampoo on my scalp and body. Within 3 days my scalp had totally cleared up and the rashes on my body were gone. Neither has returned. I had 3 different prescription shampoos and 3 strengths of steroids to use on the rashes. I have had to use none of them in 5 weeks...

There are both supplements and protein shakes now that have the muscadines in them and something interesting is happening with the use of the MUSCADINE protein shakes, especially for anyone with muscle/joint aches and pain issues.

Some of the most common responses by folks using the Muscadine Protein Shake as a health benefit are:
  • More energy
  • Less joint and muscle pains
  • Sleeping better
  • More Stamina  

Here are some reasons WHY this may be happening....as many opinions on how to best treat autoimmune issues is to get away from gluten, preservatives, sugars and processed foods.

  1. The protein blend is an all vegetable blend – No Soy or Whey
  2. NO artificial sweeteners, dyes, or flavors
  3. Contains 18 amino acids
  4. Gluten FREE!
  5. NO GMOS
  6. Contains just enough of the Muscadine Grape Seed which is the one of the FEW powerfoods that can cross over the blood-brain barrier to feed the brain and fight inflammation and yet not overload the body with antioxidants
  7. Combination of phytonutrients in the muscadine grapes aids in joint and muscle health and helps support the digestive and immune system.

Order Your Protein Powder Today! 

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